Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jesus for the Day

Our church has a long-standing tradition of putting on a Christmas play each year. This year, "Mary's Story" was the featured production. Everyone did an outstanding job and it brought a whole new meaning to the Christmas story for me. Since baby Truman couldn't be at church Friday evening, Hadassah had her first acting role as baby Jesus! This mama was just a little bit worried about how she'd do...she's usually a sweet baby, but hasn't learned just yet that there are certain times you just smile and act happy!

Here she is, talking to "Mary"!

And posing with Mary's friends...

And here's "baby Jesus"!

She actually did really well...other than crying before she was born! As soon as they started talking to her, all was right with her world and she behaved nicely for the rest of the scene!! Whew.

But this whole acting-as-Jesus got me thinking: what if we all were Jesus for a day? What exactly would change in my daily routine? Maybe I'd take the time to make a phone call to a friend that's struggling, or take a meal for the mom who just had a baby, or visit the lady who just lost her husband of 50 years. Aren't we supposed to "be Jesus" in real life? He isn't here in body anymore; we are! And He's counting on us to be His hands, His feet, His voice. I don't know about you, but I know that I want to "be Jesus" in my community and to my family. So many times, I've chosen to do what I want to do, rather than obey the Holy Spirit when He asks me to reach out in love. I think I'm too busy or too tired. But He didn't make any excuses. He came...willingly. How can I do any less?


  1. Great thoughts, Ruby!! And, what a special "role" for Hadassah to play!

  2. Thanks, Ruby! I didn't know you had a blog!

  3. how special to have Hadassah play such a wonderful part ! Thanks for the challenge to be " Jesus"..a reminder I sure need. Blessings on your day!

  4. you got great photos of the event, i'm sure it'll be a fun story to tell her about one day! =)
